Turn Emails into Revenue

Win new customers with the #1 email marketing and automations brand* that recommends ways to get more opens, clicks, and sales.

Convert with

Send the right message at the right time to convert more customers.

Optimize with AI and

Get AI-assisted suggestions to help make your content more engaging.

Target with

Boost customer loyalty by predicting the right ones to

Sync with

Connect more tools, get more data, save time, and make better decisions.

Most email marketing platforms tell you how your campaigns perform. We analyze the data from the billions of emails we send to give you personalized recommendations for improving your content, targeting, and automations.

Find the right plan

* Averages apply if contact or email send limit is exceeded. Free plan sending will be paused if contact or email send limit is exceeded. Learn more

Generate up to 4x more orders* with Customer Journey Builder automations

Discover new ways to automate

Get a head start with pre-built journeys that help you cross-sell your products, recover abandoned carts, re-engage existing customers, and win new ones.

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Convert more customers at scale

Drive more traffic and sales by setting up automations that trigger emails based on customer behavior with our Customer Journey Builder.

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Keep customers ready to buy with engaging content

Content Optimizer

Learn how your emails compare to the top-performing campaigns in your industry and get data-driven suggestions for improving your copy, imagery, and layout.

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Creative Assistant

Our Creative Assistant will help you stand out by using AI to create custom designs for your brand.

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Bring in more data, drive more growth with our integrations


Create compelling visuals for your marketing.

Mailchamp for Salesforce

Sync your Mailchamp subscribers and Salesforce leads across platforms.


Promote and share your Instagram posts in email campaigns.


Sync Shopify customers, products, and purchase data to Mailchamp.

Google Analytics

Unlock powerful insights with campaign, website, or landing page data.


Power your ecommerce store with smart marketing features.

QuickBooks Online

Bring together your marketing tools and invoice data.

Squarespace Commerce

Market your ecommerce business and drive sales.


Automatically pass data between web services without a single line of code.

View all 300+ integrations →